Related Articles ( Intertextuality )
Aspects of Homeland in Dewan Mamlaket Alymam for AlMotawakel Taha
This research aims at showing up the issues of homeland which the poet expressed in his poetry (his Dewan) for making sure that homeland is still the main concern in the Palestinian poetic speech at a time of changes taking place all around the world, affecting the Palestinian issue. The research is ...
Intertextuality in the Poetry of Yusuf Al-Nabahani Narratve
Objectives: This study aims to reveal the scenes of narrative intertextuality instances in the poetry of Yusuf al-Nabhani, as they appear in Quranic narratives and the prophetic biography. Narrative intertextuality encompasses both religious and literary intertextuality. Also, because it has developed ...
Text and Intertextuality in Modern Arabic Poetry of Yoruba Scholars
Objectives: This paper examines Arabic poetic texts produced by modern Yoruba scholars, to study how they inter-textualize with poetic texts of classical and early modern poets in Arabic. It does a critical reading of select poems from the corpus of Isa Abu-Bakre (b.1953), and Afis Ayinde Oladosu (b.1967). ...